Download County Health Rankings & Roadmaps data excel sheet to desktop/laptop.
Use link to download [County 2022 Data] ( 2. Launch Tableau on your laptop/desktop.
Pay special attention to the left column.
Under the highlighted Connect left side of the Tableau screen, click the underlined Microsoft Excel option.
Take notice of the pop-up screen, click on the underlined option, then click Open which is highlighted on the bottom right of the pop-up screen.
Be aware that the executing query pop-up screen means Tableau is working on performing the tasks you have assigned it to-do, some tasks or queries( a request for data results from your database or for action on the data, or both) may take longer than others. Do not fear!
Executing Query
Before you start working on any tables make sure to check the box Clean with Data Interperter located on the top left column of Tableau.
Clean Data
Right click on your mouse and hold it down to drag and drop the Ranked Measure Data table to the right side of the screen.
Drag and Drop
Drag and drop Additional Measure Data table right next to Ranked Measure Data to create a connection between tables.
-Be aware that the connection will be unsuccessful at first, it will look like this.
First Attempt at Connection
Pay close attention to the highlighted and underlined areas in the image, particularly to the bottom left corner.
Select matching fields to create this relationship. Click the drop down menu and type in FIPS repeat step for both of the highlighted drop down menus. >This will create a successful connection, changing the red line to an orange one.
Successful Connection
Matching Fields
Repeat the process for Outcomes & Factor Rankings and Outcomes & Factor Subrankings.
Repeat for Outcomes-Subrankings
You have created a web of tables to explore and create with!
All info obtained from Summer Workshops Data Literacy.